The COVID-19 Tracker Gets a New Theme

The COVID-19 Tracker is now using the Chalk Theme.

July 27, 2020 - 1 minute read -

I’m happy to announce that the COVID-19 Tracker PH site is now using the Chalk Theme.

Other changes

gh-pages branch

The live site will now be published from the gh-pages branch since I need to build the site first locally due to some dependencies not being supported by Github Pages.

Smaller sized charts

Charts are now at kilobytes size from around 3.5MB each. By default, plotly’s write_html method would include the their whole js library which is around 3MB. I changed the include_plotlyjs option to ‘cdn’. This will load the publicly available copy of their library from the internet instead of being included in each chart.


Horizontal bar chart for top city/municipality is now available.